Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Christianity presented in all its disturbing fullness

A friend of mine posted this article from the Huffington Post on Glenn Beck and Liberation theology. One of the many reasons to love and hate Catholicism--right here in this article... but mostly love in my opinion. The only inconsistency I see is Mr. Jesuit is writing it, and while individually he may be a poor priest--what attracts me to the Jesuits (if I was a man) is the education and the wealth. Ha! Pretty horrible, I know, but I think I would make an AWESOME Jesuit priest.

Other than that, I love Liberation Theology. I took a class from Gustavo Gutierrez (kinda the guy who coined the phrase in the 50's and 60's), and he is a saint. Rarely do we actually get to meet the people who make all these Christian ideas up, but Gustavo is legit. If he wasn't legit, I would have seriously reconsidered the theology.

Similarly, I love Miroslav Volf's forgiveness book Free of Charge, but I found out the dude pretty much had an affair with a student, and his rep went way down in my book.

People who embody their passion change the world. Gustavo has already done it. Look out world.

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