Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Things I hate about the DSM: Cluster A, B, and C

I think that everyone fits into the DSM-IV-TR Personality Clusters.

Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric
Cluster B: Dramatic
Cluster C: Anxious/Fearful

While I have my odd, eccentric, and dramatic moments, without a doubt, I choose Cluster C for myself: Anxious/Fearful. Lord Jesus... I hate this book.

Odd/Eccentric: paranoid personality disorder (pd), schizoid pd, and schizotypal pd.
Dramatic: antisocial pd (i.e. the serial killers among us), borderline pd, histrionic pd(totally made up, and another reason to hate the DSM), and narcissistic pd.
Anxious/Fearful: avoidant pd, dependent pd, and obsessive-compulsive pd.

Go check out the diagnostic criteria. Here is one location Merck, but the DSM is the best! (*Puke*) It is a good time if you are not studying for an exam. That is all I have to say about that.

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