Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting free stuff from churches you visit

I just got a call from a church I visited on Sunday. When I was there, I was a good visitor and gave them all my information. I guess in the back of my mind I KNEW they would give me stuff, but that isn't the only reason I did it. I was actually genuinely interested. I imagine getting stuff and getting calls and stuff and suddenly have a bunch new facebook friends is a reason NOT to give information to a church you are visiting. But I figure, it's good practice to let them know that you're there. Usually you're just bothered the week after, and then they leave you alone. That is, providing you never return.

Getting stuff is nice, but it really makes no difference as to whether I like the church or not. AND it's SUPER awkward. I guess in a nice sort of way, like, "Uh. Thanks for this basket or bookmark or whatever. Maybe I'll see you again. Maybe I won't." Maybe I already have a home church but was invited by a friend to visit. I don't know, it just feels weird, and you feel kind of guilty (even if you already have a church!). Like, "This could have gone to someone who needed the love more..."

Nevertheless, I just gave instructions to a TOTAL STRANGER on how to get to my house and give me something I may or may not need and could possibly kill me.

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