Monday, February 14, 2011

Stuff Christians Like: Valentine's Day

There have been a few fun things I have discovered, for example, "awkward 'you're single' conversations" at church. Gotta love John Acuff, and yes, I have seen people shake their heads in shame at my uterus. Seriously, not being single is the single most important thing ever. Proof of this can be seen when just today, Valentine's Day, my facebook status was hijacked by my boyfriend, "P__ has the greatest most awesomest boyfriend in the history of ever." Within about 5 minutes, every church friend from back home "liked" my status. PROVED: singleness sucks, not singleness and bragging about it online makes you facebook popular.

However, if you are single, or are not single and like boycotting Valentine's, NPR has a great rationale for this here: Exploiting the darkside of valentine's. Though drinking and beating each other seems just as worth celebrating to me...

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