Here is the article in the Huffington Post. I actually sponsor a child in World Vision (even though I know there is something mildly shady about this operation, i.e. money doesn't go to directly to child, and they are an uber conservative Christian organization with sketchy evangelization), and the very morning I discovered this article, I was thinking, "Hmm.... I want to give to Greg Mortenson's organization (Three Cups of Tea guy), but I don't want to take away from my sponsored child... Wait, I'll have more money next year. I could give to both!" Now, with this enlightening article, I thought, maybe I should just give all my charity money to
Am I being just as discriminatory choosing to not give my money to an organization that is discriminatory? I am discriminatory against discriminators. Regardless of the article, I have been thinking about pulling out of World Vision since I began giving to them, and even when I got a nice letter supposedly from someone in Ethiopia, I just wasn't sure. It has been a nice experience/practice, giving what little I can via 35 bucks being taken out of my BofA account each month. It really is the least I can do as a lazy grad student.
Anyway, I am thinking World Vision is not my cup of tea, and beginning next month I'll start building a girl's school in rural Pakistan. Anyone out there gung ho for World Vision?
Veronique and Jim’s San Diego Wedding
2 years ago
And then Greg Mortenson was a fraud...